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International Cooperation

SSF has already developed more than five international cooperation projects in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, where it has its local counterpart: Solidaridad Sin Fronteras Bolivia. Since its creation in 2012, SSF Bolivia has managed to position itself as a reference NGO in the area of gender equality, from an approach that privileges respect for human rights, the strengthening of leadership capacities and the social and political participation of women; developing innovative methodologies and tools for social action.

Part of this work is reflected in “Voces sin Fronteras”, SSF Bolivia ‘s podcast where gender equality, feminism, entrepreneurship, prevention of gender violence and new masculinities are discussed.


ACTION for equity, empowerment and violence prevention in the city of La Paz and the city of El Alto, Bolivia (2024-2025)

This project aims to contribute to the construction of a more equitable and violence-free society in the city of La Paz and the city of El Alto, Bolivia.
The proposal is to promote the economic, social and leadership empowerment of adolescents, youth and women through comprehensive sexuality education; awareness of new inclusive masculinities; and the prevention of gender-based violence in physical and virtual spaces.

FORTAPAZ 3 - Strengthening the Economic, Political and Social Empowerment of Women in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia for Gender Equity (2022-2023)

This project had its first edition in 2019 and achieved its continuity thanks to its impact on the local community.
All activities were aimed at the integral empowerment of women in the area of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia through the enhancement of their social and personal skills for the prevention of gender-based violence, strengthening gender equity and new masculinities.
The high level of participation of the beneficiary population was an essential component of the project and was actively promoted at all stages, laying the groundwork for a more significant and sustainable impact on the community. More than 8,000 people were reached through courses, workshops, campaigns and other research dissemination activities.


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