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Solidaridad Sin Fronteras

Solidaridad Sin Fronteras carries out annual technical and financial control processes to ensure the transparent and efficient use of resources.
In this task, the entity relies on the professional support of the company
SUMANDO – Labor and tax management service focused on non-profit organizations and cooperatives. ALGALIA Services for the Social Economy.

SSF’s funds come mainly from grants and contracts with public administrations, as well as from foundations, private companies and donations from entities or individuals.
These funds are used to cover the operation and execution of projects, trying to generate a remainder each year for its own contribution to the execution of new projects. 
In the year 2023, and with the objective of deepening best practices, SSF’s board of directors approved an external audit for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025. The first results of this audit process are already available.

Previous versions:

Solidaridad Sin Fronteras carries out annual technical and financial control processes to ensure the transparent and efficient use of resources. In this task, the entity relies on the professional support of the company SUMANDO – Labor and tax management service focused on non-profit organizations and cooperatives. ALGALIA Services for the Social Economy.

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