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Still life with digital photocamera kit

🍃 From the C-ROADS project we would like to propose a different activity to work on climate change and approach it from a reflective and dynamic perspective.

📸 This participatory research methodology consists of capturing images and discussing each person’s experience and perspective on the same topic. In our case we will work on transportation and mobility and climate change.

Among the advantages of using photovoice to work on this topic compared to other methodologies:

      • It improves understanding of the issue at hand by allowing a more detailed analysis of how climate change affects different aspects of our environment and our daily lives.

      • It empowers communities to take action by involving them in the process of documentation and reflection. By actively participating in the process, people are more aware of the effects of climate change and can take more concrete actions to counteract these effects.

      • It fosters dialogue and communication as it is a methodology that allows giving a voice to the most marginalized people or communities. It also fosters dialogue, since an important part of photovoice is the reflection and exchange of experiences and ideas.

    📣 How to participate?

    To participate in our photovoice activity all you need is access to a camera (a cell phone camera is fine), live in the Madrid region and a desire to make a difference:

        1. Think about the idea you want to express. We are going to work on the relationship between climate change and means of transport, it can be a criticism of greenhouse gas emissions or something positive about how there are more and more electric alternatives. There is a world of possibilities!

        1. Take the photo that best reflects your ideas.

        1. When you have it, simply write a short paragraph explaining the meaning behind the photo and your reflection.

        1. Share it with us by mail.

        1. Participate in a group reflection activity.

      That’s how easy it is to take action for the climate. If you know someone who might like this initiative, share, the more people we have, the greater the impact of our fight 🙌🏼.

      We share with you a couple of examples of photovoice that was conducted in Villaverde but to investigate how cities and their characteristics affect the health of their residents.

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