OMNIA (KnOwledge and Skills DevelopMent on InNovative Green EntrepreneurshIp Models for NEETs to Build CirculAr Economy)

Project No.





01.04.2022 – 01.04.2024

Project Summary + Objectives

This project focuses on the development of NEETs through the lens of a green and circular economy model.

Developing practical knowledge and skills courses – for NEETs on green and circular economy to build a sustainable future to create resilient communities. The knowledge and skills training courses will be delivered through workshops, tailored soft skills training and through an e-learning system. Furthermore, this project aims to create opportunities for everyone to address gender differences in terms of equal access to education. Furthermore, it aims to prepare and assist NEETs to stimulate the development of green and circular economy business model ideas through innovative training courses and consultations with expert networks. Finally, the project hopes to establish a network between NEETs and the expert network.

Beneficiaries/ target group

  • Young people who neither study nor work (NEETs)
  • Stakeholders

Project Partners

  • Portugal: Freguesia de Vila Boa Do Bispo
  • Turkey: IGEA
  • Belgium: SDS Network
  • Romania: SC Mixt Source Management SRL
  • Malta: Malta Now
  • Spain: SSF


Expected Results

R1: Online learning platform, aimed at experts and NEETs. This platform will have a section for training modules, another with a forum for students, a section for questions and a glossary.

R2: Networking platform, to create networks between young people and experts.

R3: Curriculum and Common Methodologies, aimed at developing the knowledge and skills of NEET youth on the topic of the green and circular economy in general terms.

R4: Digital training and education materials to provide digital training and education materials that can be used and accessed by youth who are neither in school nor in work to acquire or improve their knowledge related to the green and circular economy.

Materials Created


Project Web